Saturday, February 25, 2006

A somewhat common scene

Originally uploaded by ehud4242.
Today I am only have a short post for you. Specifically I am looking at this display that I saw outside of Sendai Station. This display tells you how much energy solar panels are converting to electricity and how much CO_2 is not being produced because of these Solar Panels. These Solar Panels I believe are part of the compliance with the Kyoto Accord. So if you are in Japan you might see displays like these near new buildings or buildings that have been recently renovated.

Saturday, February 18, 2006

My Morioka Snow Festivile Trip

Well last weekend for a change we had a Saturday off so Ye-san and I went on a trip to Morioka which is north of Sendai. The reason for the Trip was to go see the a snow festival in a town outside of Morioka. Here are some of the picutres of the snow festival.


This festival was nice except for one thing which was that it is designed for children. Ye-san and I got their pretty early and we wanted to stay until the evening because they would light up the snow sculptures. However there was nothing then to do for four or five hours so we went back to Morioka to look for someplace else to go. We ended going to a museum where you can make get some hands on experience doing traditional Japanese crafts. Some of the photos are here.

The highlight was I made nanbusenbei. Nanbusenbei is kind of a traditional cookie or cracker in Japan. Here are a couple of the pictures for this.

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From there we went back to morioka and I grabbed some night shots there of the city skyline, which I think came out pretty good.

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The final photo that I will show here is of someone who obviously missed their bus and had been waiting a while.


Yes that little guy was sitting on the bench at the bus stop that while we were waiting for the bus to come to take us back to Morioka.

This was not that exciting of a trip but it was just nice to get out and see someplace different. Here is the link to all of the photos from the trip.

Until next time,

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Valentine's Day and White Day in Japan

Valentine's Day and White Day in Japan

So this is worthy of a blog post. I just found out Japan's Valentine's day this year and how it works. You can read the article but here are the highlights.

The Japanese celebrate St. Valentine's day in a rather unique fashion. Women give the men gifts of chocolate as well as other gifts.

This is obviously a little bit different. The article goes on to say that there is the opposite of this holiday in March called White day where men give gifts to the woman or women in their life.

I have another post I need to put up but I need to get it organized before I do it so you can look forward to that hopefully later on this week.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

New with the Old

Originally uploaded by ehud4242.
This is a picture that I took while on my way to church. This is one of the interesting things about Japan. Some of the things that you see where the "old" collides or combines with the new. In this case you have a rather old house but it still has a satellite dish on it. I will try to find more odd stuff like this.

Click on the link to go to the flickr page where the photo is stored to see the highlited section with the dish.