Monday, July 24, 2006

The last service at the old church building

Last week we had the last service at the old church. We will be building a new church. Below is a picture of the original church.

And here is a picture of the congregation after the service.

As the new building goes up I hope to put together more posts.

Monday, July 03, 2006

Merlion & the CBD

Merlion & the CBD
Originally uploaded by voux.
This is the merlion that I showed in the previous post. This showes what I hoped to see when I took my pictures.

Saturday, July 01, 2006

The First Set of Pictures from Singapore

In this post I will include some of the pictures that I took during the conference. Sadly I did not have a lot of time during the conference to take pictures or walk around much. These are just some snap shots that I took as I was walking to and from the conference. Notice the architecture there. It was all I think very new but what I liked is that typically designers tried to not make all the buildings either simple rectangles.


This next set is some shots that I took while walking around at night after the last day of the conference. Some of the shots are not great but that is the only chance I had t get some of that stuff.


One of the sad things about the timing of this trip was that the tiger thing with water coming out of its mouth was being cleaned so we couldn't see it. Here are a couple of pictures I got of it but they are not all that great.
