Friday, September 08, 2006

A new/used bicycle

Last week I bought a new/used bicycle from another American friend who was returning to America. This has been very nice for several reasons.
  • Before I only had a Japanese bicycle that was too small (see picture below)
  • The Japanese bicycle was broken
  • It is probably a good thing for me to get off my butt and get some more exercise.
We will see if this will spur at least more photo taking because I will take the bike out on more trips.

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Monday, September 04, 2006

Funeral over the weekend

I know I don't post as much as a I should but that is life.

Over the weekend I went to a funeral. I am not going to go into details because I don't think it is appropriate. Rather I am going to give you a link to a wikipedia article (link). Look at the sections listed for wake, funeral and cremation. I took part in all three with to a varying extent. If you have specific questions or comments please email me.
