Tuesday, December 13, 2005

My Flickr photo feed

Well if you have not guessed by now I am using flickr to store my photos. I have gone through and uploaded all of my old photos so you can still see those from the ophoto days. Here is a link to my main feed and here is a link to my tags. For people who do not know tags our well tags that I add to all of the photos to make them easier to organise and browse.

The other fun thing about flickr is that it also has rss feeds for the photos so you can use this feature to let you know when I add new photos.

Please fee l free to browse the photos and download any of the ones that you want. Almost all of them have the orginal hi-res versions up there so if you need photos go ahead and use them.

This will probably be the last post from Japan before I come back to America for Christmas and New Year's. I don't think I will post much from the US unless something comes up.

So Merry Chrstmas and Happy New Year.

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