Monday, January 30, 2006

Electrical outlets in Japan

This is a photo that I in my lab. Can you see anything wrong with this photo.

When I was growing up I remember seeing videos of that you should not one use three prong to two prong adatpers. You should also not use outlet expanders as seen here to plug more things in.

In this picture you can see both of those rules have been broken.

Now here I am suppose to come up with some type of conclusion for this picture but I have none. Maybe the circuits are built better here but I have a hard time believing that. Probably it means that again in the US we are taught to be a little too cautious with circuits.

EDIT: The more I think about this in the US it is acceptable to use power strips and surge protectors to expand outlets. So maybe we do this anyways. I still think though that surge protectors and power strips have been designed with more redundancy and insulation than what I see here.

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