Saturday, October 07, 2006

Hanami (Cherry Blossoms)

First off I should say this that hanami are in bloom in April and May. So this post is a bit late. To compound things the text was written on my flight back from Singapore. It has been waiting for me to put together the photos that I wanted so I finally decided to sit down and do it. Think of this as an incentive to come out to Japan and see the hanami next year.

I know this is very similar to one blog post that I have already done but there are always so many good photos (If they are not any good, don't tell me :) ) that it is hard to resist putting them up. So here are a few of my favorite shots from this year. I also went to the botanical garden close to my apartment this year and caught those flowers in bloom.

cimg1926 cimg1907 cimg1885 cimg1768 cimg1831

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