Saturday, October 07, 2006

New apartment

Well I don't have much of an excuse for not posting much lately its just that I have been kind of busy.

From the title you can see that I have a new apartment now. So, I have been doing the moving type stuff lately.

The apartment that I moved to is probably a little bit more of a normal Japanese apartment, if not in style at least in size and layout. It is just your basic bachelor pad. It has its own kitchenette and bathroom. The other nice feature is that there is a loft above the kitchenette/bathroom. I have put my bed up there to free up space in the main room. Trust me there is still not a lot of space in the apartment.

There are several nice features of moving out of my old apartment. One is that I will not forget to bring ingredients to the kitchen when I am cooking. My old apartment had been in a pseudo dormitory, so that meant that it had a separate shared kitchen for each floor but I had my own refrigerator in my room. This meant that when I went to make scrambled eggs I would bring most of the ingredients from my room to the kitchen. This would include,
  • Eggs
  • 10 yen for the range
  • Milk
  • Bread
  • Cheese
  • Onion
  • Margin
  • Orange Juice
After scrambling the eggs I would but them on toasted bread with the cheese. The OJ was for drinking with the sandwich. Almost every week I would forget one of those ingredients (I don't care to admit to the number of times it was the eggs). So with the kitchen and fridge right there I don't need to worry about forgetting any of the ingredients (Well except maybe going to the store to pick something up).

A couple of nice things are, I am closer to the lab. This move will cut 5 to 10 minutes off my trip in every morning. Also any friends or family can now come and stay at my place if they come to Japan. At the dormitory they did not want people staying overnight.

However, the quality of the view out my window has gone down significantly. At the dormitory I had,
cimg0560.jpg or cimg2468.jpg.

However at the new place this is the view.

If you can't tell that is a brick wall. The change of going from the third floor to the first floor is pretty significant.

I will try to do a better job of keeping this updated.

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