Monday, November 28, 2005

Japan and Thanksgiving

This is one of those kind of similar to the ice cream post, in that a few people have asked me this, does Japan have Thanksgiving?

The answer in my opinion is no. The reason being is that there are some holidays here in japan where they might go to temples to ask for another good year or something along those lines. I am not sure if there is a really a day that they give thanks. Borrowing from tonight's (Sunday's Night's) sermon who are we giving thanks to? In my opinion God. If you look at the origins of the first Thanksgiving (or at least what was taught in school) the pilgrims were giving thanks for a good harvest and good friends. So for this reason I don't think the Japanese do not have what I would call a Thanksgiving.

The Japanese do have a holiday on Nov. 23 that is basically a workers or labor day. So if you see a holiday on the Japanese Calendar that is the one.

I guess I should say what I am thankful for. Several things actually. One was a good turkey dinner (the first turkey I have had since a Turkey Club Sandwich in Korea in June) at Church on Sunday. Pictures below.

Trust me, this made my week.

The leaves finally changing here with color are nice.

To all of the people who comment on this blog and just a new way for me to put stories up of what is happening around me right now. Finally, I am thankful for my family and friends both in the US and in Japan.

Well thats all for me. I hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving.

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