Monday, November 14, 2005

Sendai soccer Game

So This weekend Flat Stanley along with several friends from church went to a soccer* game. Sendai's (仙台) team is Vegalta (ベガルタ [Pronounced begaruta, this made for some confusion this week when speaking to friends at the lab]). Sorry for that long side bar. So we went to the soccer game and sat in the Sendai Fan section. This meant that we were surrounded by yellow with some blue. In the pictures below you can see some of the opening festivities.

Here are a couple of pictures of action during the game of the fans cheering and of the action on the field.

These flags shown in these pictures are waved around whenever there was a big play or a goal.

Finally here is a picture of the group that I went with to the game in front of a statue of the team's mascot.

Before I forget Sendai won 1 to 0.

*FYI in Japan they also call soccer "soccer." I find this interesting because I was taught in French class in high school that the US was the only country that did not call soccer "football."

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