Monday, September 26, 2005

A Chinese Meal

Last Sunday I had dinner with some Chinese and one Taiwanese friends from my lab. The primary course for that meal was gioza. The closest thing to gioza that I can think of in America is egg rolls. But those are not even close, really except for the idea that you have some type of dough wrapped around a filling. For the traditional Chinese version these guys are typically boiled, however the tasty version is when you throw them in a frying pan with oil. I think I like that version because I am like my dad with the saying, "When its brown its cooking, when its black its done."

There is a version of these here in Japan also, however they are typically fried, or at least the times that I have bought them at the store.

There was a variety of different dishes that were served along with the gioza. There was some noodles and cucumbers, a weird black hardboiled egg and tofu which was warmed up, pigs ears (i think) along with a couple of other dishes.

All in all it was good meal and I highly recommend that you try gioza if you ever get a chance.

Below are some pictures from the event.

This is a picture of the stuff that goes inside the gioza.

The finished gioza afeter wrapping in dough and boiling.

Xe (pernouced Joh in Japanese and Yay in Chinese) finishing preparing the meal. There are sevral of the dishes on the table.

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