Monday, September 26, 2005

Discrimination against Left Handed People

Ok so I am bias,

Last night at church someone announced a research project that they were looking for native English speakers. Cool, I go and check it and you get paid ichi man en (sorry I slipped into Japanese [10,000 Yen {A little less than $100}]) for like an hour or two test. I checked the requirements and one was to be right handed. That of course from my first post basically counts me out.

Oh well the test required that you be in a MRI and listen to sentences and then push some button depending on something. It sounds like that they are looking at what areas of the brain are activated while listening to English. There research that shows that left handed people use different portions of their brains for different things than right handed people. So the testers are just trying to limit the number of variables in the test.

The last interesting portion of the story was that is that one word that they used in the description was "gratuity" which was used with relation to money and travel expenses. So I guessed it had to do with getting paid but I was not sure. I double checked and here is the definition: something given voluntarily or beyond obligation usually for some service. Ok so I was about right, but the other funny thing was that another person from England was also not sure of the meaning.

I am not sure what all of this means except that I should probably improve my vocab.

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