Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Over the counter medicine in Japan

File this under the differences between the US and Japan.

The other day I was looking for Tylenol to take care of a headache. I was able to find it in the drug store without too much trouble. I checked the recommended dosage on the side of the box, and its one capsule per dose 3 times a day. Each capsule has 300 mg of Acetaminophen. Now if you pull out a typical bottle of over the counter Tylenol from a America, lets say extra strength or what ever it is 500mg per capsule, 2 capsules per dose 4 times a day.

So this leads us to one of three conclusions.
  • In America we take way too much
  • The Japanese are more sensitive to the medicine so they don't need as much
  • Take your pick on a get rich gimmick on either side of the pond.
What I am trying is to keep my dosages low so that I can get use to it. However, if the pain is bad and is interfering with my work I guess I will start popping Japan's Tylenol like it is candy.

Oh and one other side note you cannot buy over the counter drugs at convenience stores or super markets. Only at drug stores which are not open 24 hours like the other stores.

Last interesting note, Halls cough drops are sold in a connivance store in the candy isle while they are not sold in the drug store. The Vick's cough drops are the opposite. The Halls are the only one that I have found that are worth taking to prevent a cough.

So another nugget of information for future visits to Japan.

(Someone with more knowledge on any of these topics please feel free to comment)

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