Saturday, September 17, 2005

I will be home for Christmas

Well on Wednesday night I made the reservations for the trip home for Christmas. For those interested, I will be arriving on Dec. 14 in the afternoon and will leave on Jan. 4 in the morning. On Thursday when I was looking at the news sure enough what did I see, the airline that I made the reservation with (Northwest) had declared bankruptcy. In all reality this is nothing major, it however does not give me a warm fuzzy feeling down inside.

The second thing related to this I saw that NW was offering a service that 90 days before departure you could choose your seat. I was like sweet, exit row seating here I come. As it turned out they are doing what I thought airlines should have done all along now which is charge more for exit row seats, basically making business class seats. This had been an idea of mine for a while would be to increase the price of exit row seats by $50 or so. I would happily pay that on the long trips to and from Japan.

Ah well, I will be home over Christmas which puts me in a really good mood. For the people I know I will be seeing do you have any requests from Japan, or should I bring my normal, dried squid or some Chinese food.

Ah well that will be enough for now. I will not as many updates as I did last week because those had been topics that I had been thinking about for a while.

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